Purchase EFL with a Purchase Order
FollowIf your organization uses Purchase Orders, please generate a Quote from inside your EFL account and send, either by mail or by email, both the Quote and your Purchase Order to Data Makes the Difference, LLC.
Full instructions, including the mailing and email address are included below.
1. Login to your EFL Account
2. Click Purchase in the left column
3. Click the Purchase button in the upper right corner
4. Add the number of Learners you wish to purchase and select Purchase Order as your Payment Type. Then click CREATE.
5. Click the Date of the Quote to Print a copy for your Purchasing Department.
6. Your Purchasing Department should send a copy of the Quote along with the Purchase Order to:
or email the Quote and Purchase Order to jenny@datamtd.com with EFL Purchase Order in the subject line.
7. Once we have received the Purchase Order, an Invoice will be mailed and the purchase will be available in your EFL Account.